

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Story 11 from Paul Kidger

Paul Kidger replies to the question from Paul Bridle
Yes, I remember the DUKW at Lancing and the method of refuelling....someone would carry a 5-gall drum of petrol from the local garage and just tip it in. Struck me as very crude. Was it painted yellow? We did go out on it once or twice. There were 2 at Worthing painted Red White and blue for coronation year and maybe one was named Princess Anne.
At the side of the Mermaid Beach cafe was a kiosk which at one time was run by an enterprising young lady. I think that she used to ride a motorcycle which was guaranteed to turn a few heads.
In the early '60s, I used to work at Monk's Farm petrol station during holidays and at weekends. The owner Mr Lyons also ran the beach garage for a short while. His brother Alf used to run a driving school. I remember the foundations for that station being dug and seeing them flood at high tide. That part of Lancing, just North of the police station, is actually below the high water level even though it is about a mile from the sea.

My own driving lessons were courtesy of Mill Road Driving School. That was run by another enterprising young lady who once owned the nurseries which were then redeveloped into the Norbury estate of bungalows. She was one of the regular dog walkers who would pass by the rear of our house in Ring Rd. One old dear had a dog called Kiltie. I mistook her summoning her dog and she was henceforth known to us as the 'Filthy lady'. Another dog walker would come past at 1 pm and I called her the 1 o'clock jump after the Benny Goodman hit of the '40s. Both parents collapsed with laughter. It wasn't until many years later did I realise the significance of my comment
Pat Barton used to run the horse riding stables at the top of Mill Rd. Since he used to sell horse muck as garden fertiliser, he was known to us as Dungo Barton and the path through the chalkpit, which he used with his horse and cart was Dungo's path. The Barton farm is no more, fallen down and totally overgrown...well it was a few years ago. I was at school with Jane Barton, his daughter.

Regarding the Corner house, before it became the Potter and an eatery, it had lovely oak panelling in all bars.

Does anyone remember the slightly eccentric 'Lord Lancing' who would cycle around the town wearing a boater, striped blazer and flannels, probably a monocle and cigarette in holder?

Paul Kidger


  1. His name was Mr. Duke. He lived with two elderly ladiesalong Brighton road towards shoreham beach and drank at the Royal Coach pub, on the roundabout opposite the airfield. He was a black belt at Karate. As a child he was a treat to see and I once saw him on his penny farthing, although it was usually a boneshaker or vintage motorcycle, but always with the costumes and white gloves..oh yes and either a pipe or cigarette holder. he used to wave and the bus drivers would always beep at him and wave. What a fantastic character!

  2. pat barton was my grandfather and jane my mum , i was brought up on hill barn farm with my sister sam until we moved to mickey mouse town in the mid 70s , sam and i till spent most of our time at the farm riding over the downs or playing in the woods or chalk pit , i have many good memories of growing up in lancing that i will post some of soon

  3. Im very grateful James, its good to hear from you. I look forward to reading about your Lancing memories.
    Thanks Again


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