

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

24. Pictures from South Lancing School ~ Bob Brown

Bob Brown

Lancing resident and Pastfinder group member Bob Brown has kindly sent these two pictures of Staff and pupils of South Lancing School from the early 1950s

courtesy Bob Brown (L&S Pastfinders)
It would be interesting if any of our readers could name any of the sitters for these group portraits.


  1. I think the lady standing next to the dark haired man is Mrs Granger, and he is Mr. Kitson and bottom front in the checkered outfit is Miss. Royal, who always scared me to death, not sure why.

  2. David Kendall 50-5721 April 2013 at 23:52

    The person in the middle of the front row is Miss Cates. Second from the left in the back row is Mr Green. I remember there was also a Mr Wilkins at that time, whom I believe may be the person first on the left on the back row (less sure about this)
    David Kendall (1950-57)

  3. Well I was only at South Lancing School for one year, 1951/1952, and was in Miss Royal's class. The teachers I remember are on left, Mr Willis,in front of him seated is Miss Woods, then centre is Miss Cates (headmistress). The tall guy is Mr Kidson. Although I was in Miss Royal's class, I am not sure from that photo. The guy on the right would be Mr Townsend.

    Hope this helps. Jean Williams (nee Watts)

  4. Richard Kefford 50 - 57

    I can confirm what David Kendall said. Miss Cates was the head mistress. Mr Green was my form teacher, he lived in a bungalow called Dulce Domun in North Lancing. He also taught my sister, Anne, before me.
    Are you the David Kendal whose dad had the shop next to the Luxor in South Street, moved to Temple comb later, became an interpreter? Do you remember me? I lived in Culver Road, opposite the Legion.

  5. Richard Kefford 50 - 57

    I can confirm what David Kendall said. Miss Cates was the head mistress. Mr Green was my form teacher, he lived in a bungalow called Dulce Domun in North Lancing. He also taught my sister, Anne, before me.
    Are you the David Kendal whose dad had the shop next to the Luxor in South Street, moved to Temple comb later, became an interpreter? Do you remember me? I lived in Culver Road, opposite the Legion.

  6. Miss Cates was headmistress. My teacher was Mr Green who lived in a bungalow in North Lancing called Dulce Domun. I was at the school from 1950. Are you the David Kendal who was in cycles and whose father ran the grocery shop next to the Luxor, moved to Templecomb and became and interpreter?
    Richard Kefford 195o onwards. When the school was too full, we were moved to the Guide hut in Penhill Road.

  7. Miss Cates was headmistress. My teacher was Mr Green who lived in a bungalow in North Lancing called Dulce Domun. I was at the school from 1950. Are you the David Kendal who was in cycles and whose father ran the grocery shop next to the Luxor, moved to Templecomb and became and interpreter?
    Richard Kefford 1950 onwards. When the school was too full, we were moved to the Guide hut in Penhill Road.

  8. I've just seen your comment from February, Richard. We've been in contact since then, of course.
    I remember the Guide hut in Penhill Rd too - can't remember whether we were there for a term or a year but I seem to remember that Mr Green was our teacher then. I remember that he was our class teacher in our final year too bu we were back in the main school by then.


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