

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

29. Interview with Roy Prior

Roy Prior
Roy Prior has been a resident of Lancing most of his life.
We interviewed him about his recollections in June 2012 and recorded his conversation.

Click the link here it takes you to a SoundCloud audio recording

More Here

 Roy Prior- by Ray Hamblett

Monday, 2 July 2012

28. Vera Bartram recalls..

Vera Bartram

A friend lent me a copy of your Lancing Village Memories which I found very interesting.
My family moved here from London in 1931 when my father opened a barber shop on Brighton Road by Chandler's Corner called "Bob's". I have lived in Lancing ever since except for the period when I was working at Bletchley during the War.
I went first to a little private school called Viking House School run by Mrs Old in Kings Road, but when my sister started school a couple of years later we went to South Lancing Primary, which in those days was the only primary school in Lancing. Seniors went to North Lancing in what is now the St.James the Less church hall where the hall was divided into two classrooms by screens. I remember the school in Irene Avenue being built and that is where I went at 11yrs. Many years later when I had two sons, they went to the new North Lancing primary at the bottom of Mill Road and Miss Humphrey was still headmistress and Miss Tait still there. Miss Humphrey retired while my sons were there.
We lived at my father's shop until 1940 when we moved to a flat along the Widewater.
From there we often saw dog fights during the War as German planes came across the Channel making their way inland and the Spitfires fought them off. I remember seeing a German have to bail out and his parachute didn't open.
I also remember first a little cinema being built in Penhill Road called the Regal and later the Odeon and also the Luxor being built. As my father displayed posters advertising the programmes, we got free tickets every week so saw a lot of films!
There were not a lot of shops built North of the railway until after the war and although Lancing is still officially a Village, it is much bigger now.
I remember so many of the businesses mentioned by your correspondents, I went to school with Vera Gardener and Kathleen Scardifield whose parents' shop was mentioned, and I also remember the Melhuish's store and I think one of that family was in my class at school but I can't remember the name. We too had Dr.Alexander until he retired and then Dr.Collier.
I remember Derek Gorham who has written because at one time we lived four doors away from his parents and I was friendly with his mother and Derek was at school with my son Peter.
What a lot of memories this has brought back - very enjoyable reading, thank you.

From: Mrs Vera Bartram (nee Murray)