

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

34. Barry Ruffell

A quick note to say I was pleased to come across the ‘Lancing Memories’ website, which included some items about (or from) people I remember.

I lived in Lancing Manor House from 1950 – 56, where my dad was a caretaker working for WRDC, and subsequently in Berriedale Drive, Sompting (‘56-’59): I went to N Lancing Primary School from ’53 – ’59, and recognise some of the names mentioned and/or pictured on the website.

Some of the names that come to mind from my year are:
Terry Stacey (subsequently a musician and music shop owner (Approximate Music, Worthing), and father of folk artist Cole Stacey)
Margaret Hogben
Christine Marshall
Derek Shoulders (whose dad ran an electrical retail business)
Peter Clist (who emigrated to Australia, I think)
Derek Gorham
Ian Ralph
Philip Norton
Jamie Wrench (of the Red House, North Lancing, and whose dad ran the Boy’s Brigade)
John and Anna Caulfield (twins: moved into the area around ‘58)
Amanda Walker (lived at the top of the hill near the chalk pit)
Susan Scardifield (of the hardware shop family)
Doreen Ball
Roden Bridgewater
Gavin North
Molly Gunn (also emigrated, I believe)
David Fulford
Peter Yould(s)

And a few teachers. . .
Miss Humphrey (Head)
Miss Tait (final year teacher)
Mr Cox (subsequent head)
Mr Durrant
Miss Higgins (did she & Mr Durrant get married?)
Miss Horne
Miss Goby (1st year teacher)
Pop Steer (who got us singing some fairly tricky pieces by Grieg. Also ran 5th Lancing Cubs)

Barry Ruffell